Someone called me on the breakfast show a few weeks ago to inform me about square watermelons. I don’t know how I missed this incredible concept, but once again we can thank the Japanese, ever conscious about living and working in confined spaces, who developed the square shaped watermelon
(roughly pronounced “ar-ta- roo merroh”) to save space and make for easy stacking on crowded supermarket shelves. The concept was actually developed over twenty years ago by a farmer in Kagawa who was tired of having the normal shaped melons rolling around inside his refrigerator. So imagine my surprise upon deciding to investigate, to find these babies! Old fashioned spherical watermelons have been out in the land of the cherry blossom for years, but now the square ones and even the pyramid shaped ones (that I forgot to mention) are also old hat thanks to these new ‘Human Head Shaped’ watermelons. Now the pyramid shaped melons are apparently very hard to grow, so hard that the price for one is a whopping 80,000 yen (around 650 US Dollars or 480 Euro). The human head melons must also be difficult to cultivate as they are also currently fetching around the same price give or take a few yen.
Crickey! For that price, I’d hope the farmers are sleeping with these melons and lovingly watering them with vintage champagne!
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