A woman has spent 2 THOUSAND pounds on a chicken drumstick. Yep!Soft-hearted Vicky Mills loves her pet chicken so much she's shelled out more than £1,800 to mend its injured leg after Lily (the chook) got her leg trapped in a barbed wire fence. A vet warned it would cost a fortune to try to save the damaged limb but Mrs Mills told him to go ahead. So Vicky took out a bank loan and has lived on beans on toast for the last year to pay for Lily's seven operations, saying "I love her to bits and it would break my heart if anything happened to her." Unfortunately the treatment failed and Vicky had to dig deep again to have the chickens leg amputated, and even then her medical bills were not over - Lily was diagnosed with depression brought on by being in the house alone while Vicky and husband Sam were out at work. So the couple now leave the television on all day at their home in Cwmbran, South Wales and Lily has recovered her usually chirpy nature, especially when Vicky serves up Lily's favorite TV meal.... Spaghetti Bolognaise. Now you may well be wondering what this story is doing on a food blog, but as we've recently presented the worlds most expensive 'desserts' and the worlds most expensive 'sushi' there's no denying that Lily the Rhode Island Red hen can now lay claim to having had the world's most expensive DRUMSTICK!
I wonder how Lily might taste....
Yes, I wonder if they've kept the drumstick in the freezer for a special occassion?
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