If you like to pamper your pooch, then this little bit of news may be of interest to you. An enterprising Australian man has come up with a way to cash in on Australias booming pet food industry. There is currently one dog for every 5 Aussies and it seems that downunder they are not shy when it comes to forking out their hard earned dollars on feeding their pets..... $890 million per year to be exact! So Andrew Larkey has come up with a range of bottled waters for dogs. Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it? But Andrew spotted a niche in the pooch market when he was working as a new products manager for an international beverage company. Two things stood out to Andrew whenever he entered a supermarket. “The fastest growing markets were bottled water for humans and high-value pet treats”. So why not marry the two? Larkeys employers didn’t go for the idea so he quit and went it alone. He now sells his ‘Aqua Dog Water’ for 3 Australian dollars per bottle and even though it is much more expensive than mineral water for humans it is flying of Aussie supermarket shelves at the rate of one thousand 600ml bottles every week. He's also launched Aqua Dog in the United States, Taiwan & Singapore and is currently testing the product in Japan. The delicious doggy drink comes in 3 flavors: beef, chicken and bacon and Andrew says "The flavour encourages the dog to drink and prepares the body against damaging fluid loss, and overheating during competition, travelling, training or hot days”.
Still I can’t help wondering whether a good old stock cube mixed into Fido’s water bowl wouldn’t do the same job?
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