Now although I quite admire Gwyneth Paltrow she’s not exactly the person that would spring to mind to present a TV show dedicated to Spanish food called ‘Spain... On the road again’. She doesn’t exactly look like she could cope with the massive doses of Spanish olive oil she is about to encounter does she? In fact I believe she follows a strict macrobiotic diet, nothing wrong with that but I wonder what she’ll do with a Churro? Nevertheless, Gwyneth is about to embark on a gastronomic adventure across Spain with New Yorks celebrated Mario Batali. Gwyneth will have absolutely no probs translating as she spent many a childhood summer in spain and speaks the lingo fluently. Although Batali might find his repetoire slightly limited along the way. Gwyneths current diet allows white meat and fish, vegetables and bananas, but she is not allowed to eat wheat, dairy products, tomatoes, peppers, fruit, sugar, gluten or red meat. She does however have a self confessed passion for Spanish food and says "I eat lots of Spanish stuff, the crazy fish things and the eels. I love it all”. It will be interesting to see how the pair pull it off! Wonder if they’ll be hitting the Costa del Sol? I’ll keep ya posted! Most snippets I’ve seen on this have mentioned Gwyneth and Mario as the shows main players, however the series producer Charles Pinsky says that although Gwyneth and Mario will be regulars on the show which starts shooting in October, there will be other presenters involved. He says that we can expect the ultimate road trip through Spain. They'll go off in pairs. The men are obsessed with food and wine and the women want to enjoy the other pleasures of life. Can’t Wait!
Maybe she's gain some weight?
If she hasnt at the start of the trip i bet she has by the finish!
Luv Kel
TV Station and time??
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