Last week we were warned that ready made sandwiches are packed with salt, we were also warned to AVOID grapefruit for breakfast as scientists say it may cause breast cancer. This week yet more food warnings, this time it's ready made salads getting the chop. Watchdogs are now saying that ready made salads should carry a health warning on their packaging because they contain more salt than a Big Mac and fries! They took a look at 156 different high-street retailers, coffee shops and fast-food outlets in London and salads from Morrisons, Asda, Somerfield, Sainsburys, Marks & Spencers, ALL showed high salt levels. Of course this is the UK we're talking about, but Id hazard a guess things are pretty much the same over here in Spain when it comes to fast food options. Something to keep in mind if you are watching your salt intake people, all of those so called healthy salad options might be doing you more harm than good. So no more salads… No more grapefruit…… No more sandwiches…….. Whats left....... Baked Beans? Actually its not the actual salads it’s the dressings that are on them of course.
They hide a MULTITUDE of sins!!!
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