For People with an APPETITE for LIFE!
Welcome to THE MAIN INGREDIENT a place where Food News, Food Politics, Food Culture, Food Fashion & Food Humour meet. Each week you can preview topical foodie matter from my 'Gourmet Lifestyle' radio show called (wait for it) THE MAIN INGREDIENT. Food for the belly & the brain, I hope you'll enjoy the journey with me.
Regards Kel
Friday, August 31, 2007
Spains Tomatina Festival

Thursday, August 30, 2007
Gwyneth Paltrow & Mario Batali 'On The Road Again in Spain'

Now although I quite admire Gwyneth Paltrow she’s not exactly the person that would spring to mind to present a TV show dedicated to Spanish food called ‘Spain... On the road again’. She doesn’t exactly look like she could cope with the massive doses of Spanish olive oil she is about to encounter does she? In fact I believe she follows a strict macrobiotic diet, nothing wrong with that but I wonder what she’ll do with a Churro? Nevertheless, Gwyneth is about to embark on a gastronomic adventure across Spain with New Yorks celebrated Mario Batali. Gwyneth will have absolutely no probs translating as she spent many a childhood summer in spain and speaks the lingo fluently. Although Batali might find his repetoire slightly limited along the way. Gwyneths current diet allows white meat and fish, vegetables and bananas, but she is not allowed to eat wheat, dairy products, tomatoes, peppers, fruit, sugar, gluten or red meat. She does however have a self confessed passion for Spanish food and says "I eat lots of Spanish stuff, the crazy fish things and the eels. I love it all”. It will be interesting to see how the pair pull it off! Wonder if they’ll be hitting the Costa del Sol? I’ll keep ya posted! Most snippets I’ve seen on this have mentioned Gwyneth and Mario as the shows main players, however the series producer Charles Pinsky says that although Gwyneth and Mario will be regulars on the show which starts shooting in October, there will be other presenters involved. He says that we can expect the ultimate road trip through Spain. They'll go off in pairs. The men are obsessed with food and wine and the women want to enjoy the other pleasures of life. Can’t Wait!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Do You Mayogarita?

Thursday, August 23, 2007
Eat a Chocolate Bar to CURE pimples?

The 2 THOUSAND Pound Drumstick

Beanz Meanz Heinz

Fluctuating Chardonnay??

Sunday, August 19, 2007
No More Lager Louts?

How can this be.... Lager is losing popularity among British drinkers? If new reports are to be believed the stereotype of the British lager lout may have had its day. According to research conducted by market analysts Mintel, Brits are ditching lager in favour of more 'sophisticated' alternatives such as cider and rose wine. UK lager sales have fallen by five per cent since 2005 and Mintel predicts that they will fall by a further eight per cent by 2012, meaning that in five years time, the average lager drinker will be glugging their way through 19 FEWER pints per year. According to this report the traditional lager lout, with his beer belly and pint in hand, may be becoming a rare breed indeed. But although cider has been getting a bit of an overhaul with trendy news adds on the telly of late, I can’t quite picture a bloke guzzling down a pint of rose down the pub, can you?
The Dreaded School Lunch

Champagne Fizzles Out

Blame it on Mum's Snack Attacks!

And while we’re on junk food yet another junk food addict is making a play for his share of the McDonalds millions. A man in South Carolina has sued McDonalds after going into one of their establishments and ordering two hamburgers WITHOUT cheese. Unfortunately he got cheese on both hamburgers and he’s allergic to cheese and is suing for $10 million. He claims he almost died and although McDonalds offered to pay his $700 medical fees, he’s going for the big bucks saying apart from him almost kicking the bucket, his family "risked their lives" to rush him to the emergency room. Oh….. And If you're wondering why he didn't see the cheese before he bit into the hamburger its because he likes to eat his burgers in a darkened room! Perhaps he should switch to Burger King, isn’t their slogan ‘Have it Your Way’?
Friday, August 17, 2007
Just a Trifle too Rich?

Molecular Gastronomy for the Home Kitchen

Itching to experiment with some of the unusual concoctions from Spain's celebrated El Bulli restaurant? Help is now at hand for caterers and home cooks as restaurant gods Ferran and Albert Adria have produced a new kit made up of natural food derivatives to help us on our way to home made hot gelatins, airs, foams, spherical gnocchi, pasta-less pea ravioli or fruit suspended in liquid. (Just what every home cook needs to have on hand). A starter kit priced at £42.95 brings together the essentials, along with a tool kit of two syringes and dosing and collecting spoons. This range also includes Gluco to overcome difficulties in dissolving and other handy titbits designed for the easy conversion of liquids into air. You can pick one up from El Bulli or at http://www.infusions4chefs.co.uk/
Monday, August 13, 2007
Guilt Free Cocktails

Sunday, August 12, 2007
One more Dunk and you're OUT!

Actually its not just all about the drinking of tea. Whilst Daly plays mother out front, James Green, the chef, cooks up a storm in the Tea Cosy kitchen. Everything from Portabella mushrooms stuffed with blue cheese, cheddar, breadcrumbs and pesto, to mini jacket potatoes with cream cheese, lumpfish black caviar and saffron and decadent desserts such as rose petal apple tart and hot chocolate cinnamon bananas. And you can rest assured their will be NO RIFRAF!
'Aqua Dog' it's Doggy Delicious!

YES to Ironing, NO to Breastfeeding?

A coalition of childrens charities including the National Childbirth Trust, Save The Children and Unicef are blaming the advertising of baby formula milk for the increased number of mothers abandoning breast feeding before the recommended six months. They would like to see a total advertising ban on formula milk for babies and say it should be restricted in the same way that Tobacco advertising is restricted. Meanwhile Jordan (Katie Price) has taken it in the neck from the National Childbirth Trust for appearing in OK! magazine, boldly bottle-feeding her new baby Princess Tiaamii from an SMA formula bottle. In fact not only was she photographed with her little princess contentedly sucking away at the bottle, Jordan also declared in the article that she loves them because she can throw the bottles away afterwards. She says she doesn’t care what people say about her “You don’t have to breast-feed. I don’t want a baby drinking from me.” Interestingly there is an advertisement for SMA’s ‘Follow on Milk’ for older babies placed on the following page. The National Childbirth Trust has already lodged a complaint with the Advertising Standards Authority against SMA. TheChief executive of the NCT was so peeved she took her copy of OK! Magazine straight to the Food Standards Agency in person! As for Jordan........ Would those incredible ‘Over Shoulder Boulder Holders’ of hers still be able to produce breast milk?
Italian Olive Oil Fraud

Wednesday, August 8, 2007
The Power of Advertising

Here’s one for all the mums and dads.... Children find food ‘six times tastier’ if its wrapped in McDonald's packaging. Its true ya know, I make much better hamburgers than Mcdonalds, but you’d never get my kid to agree to that!!
A study designed to find out once and for all the power of advertising, has revealed that boys and girls as young as three found food tastier when they thought it was made by a big brand. The kids were all aged three to five and were asked to rate five foods for tastiness. Each of the foods were presented twice, once in McDonalds packaging and once in plain wrapping. Other than the packaging, the samples were identical. The results highlight the reason I just cant seem to be able to drive by a set of those golden arches without harassment from the backseat to visit the drive-thru. Wherever the Mcdonalds wrapper was involved there could be no substitute as far as the kids in the study were concerned. And the phenomenon is NOT just restricted to fast food, the youngsters also thought that milk and carrots were tastier when they believed they had been bought at McDonald's. All of this was done at Stanford University in the US, and of course comes amid growing concern about the influence of advertising on children's health. Child obesity rates are shooting through the roof (& not just in the good old USA). Experts have warned that unless the Government acts now, an entire generation faces an old age blighted by heart disease, cancer, diabetes and other diseases brought on by obesity, with today's children dying at a younger age than their parents. (Shame on us!). The problem is that although, junk food manufacturers have had to cut down their advertising during kids programmes on TV, they are now INCREASINGLY advertising on the internet. Just about all of the major brands now have their own websites with games and animations etc for the kids……. This research shows just how powerful (& worrying) that advertising is. Personally I think the 'Happy Meal' toy has a LOT to do with their motivation!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Ice Me Up

OOOH.... I like these! First impressions really do count and these will definitely make you look COOL at your next little soiree. They’re called ‘Ice Jackets’ and they are actually a special case that you put your vodka or liquor bottle into before filling the case with water and placing in the deep freeze. Once they’re done you remove the outer case and you have a fabulous ‘ice encased’ bottle of vodka. Sit in on a rock pile of ice cubes and strategically place some shot glasses and you’re looking seriously chic in the drinks department! http://www.icejackets.com/
Oh! Wait a minute.... Ive just realised that base that you see in the picture doesn’t come off, and actually I think it makes the whole presentation look a little clumsy, so NOT quite as chic as I thought. Although the makers do say that the base provides excellent branding opportunities for products and venues.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Is London Overrated as a Culinary Destination?

There's Something Fishy Going On!

Ice cream giant ‘Wall's’ has been given the go-ahead to use GM technology to make low-fat ice cream. Not good news for those consumers and supermarkets that recently rejected the whole concept of GM products. (Fondly known as Frankenstein Foods) Good news however for fans of the ‘Magnum’ and the ‘Cornetto’ as the company will use an artificial version of a protein found in a deep-sea fish to create healthier versions of both popular ice-creams. So far only a few GM products are available for retail in the UK and it will be interesting to see just how far the backlash from concerned consumers will travel. The GM culprit in this particular case is a protein which is a synthetic version of a protein found in the blood of the ocean pout fish. A clever little protein indeed in its natural state as it allows the fish to survive in extremely cold water just above the sea bed, working as a type of anti-freeze.
By growing the protein on yeast in large vats, Unilever (the parent company of Walls) has found a way to synthesise the protein so that when it is added to the ice cream it lowers the temperature at which ice crystals form. In case you’re wondering “So what?” this means that ice cream of a suitably thick consistency can be created without using as much fat in the process. And we LOVE that...dont we? Well actually NO! Not according to food campaigners who argue that Unilever’s decision to use the GM technology goes against the consumer demand for more natural products. There is however one condition to the go ahead with all of this. Unilever has had to agree to making sure the labels of the new low fat ice-creams state that they have been made by using GM technology. Don’t get too excited though if you are anticipating a guilt free ice-cream binge. The rest of the EU states are still to approve the use of the fake fish protein, so the products will not be launched for at least another 12 months.
Friday, August 3, 2007
The Humble Watermelon Gets Ahead!

Thats the way the Chocolate Cookie Crumbles!

Chocolate biscuit manufacturers in the UK are currently tearing their hair out as figures released this week by market analysts MINTEL show that sales of chocolate biscuits have plummeted by 17 per cent between 2001 and last year. A worrying sales slump that may be destined to continue as it seems perhaps Jamie Olivers ‘Healthy School Lunches’ campaign may not have been such a big flop after all. Analysts are putting the recent consumer biscuit ban down to all of the mums in the UK that are following Jamies advice and cleaning up their kids lunchboxes, ridding them of all high calorie choccie treats. And it’s not just the kids that are cutting down, once a British tradition, the good old chocolate covered biscuit is now only eaten by 15 percent of Brits with their mid morning cuppa. The strongest target market for biscuit makers is now the wrinklies, with one in four pensioners still regularly risking a biscuit or two every day.
Salads Get The Chop

Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Pepsi Ice Cucumber Is Over Before It Began!

Now I did notice this little product launch over a month ago but thought it would taste so revolting that it would never catch on....... However! Leave it to the Japanese and their penchant for what most of us would call ‘whacky flavours’, to ensure that ‘Pepsi’s Limited Edition Ice Cucumber Soda’ absolutely flew of the shelves for the short few weeks that is was available for purchase. 4.8 million bottles of the stuff to be exact! Apparently if you put the word ‘Gentei’ on a label in Japan (meaning ‘limited edition’ in English) you can practically guarantee yourself a hit and the whackier the flavour the better. Take ‘Bilk’ for example. Think about it....... ‘Bilk’ is the unlikely combination of beer and milk, and as a limited edition release has been selling out in Japanese supermarkets since its launch last February. Anyway, Pepsi’s Ice Cucumber concoction has had the desired effect and Pepsi have now discontinued the drink even though it was only launched in June. Pepsi officials are already working on their next big fad flavour designed to compete with the phenomenal 1,500 new drinks that will hit the Japanese market over the next 12 months, saying that the real value of ‘Pepsi’s Limited Edition Ice Cucumber’ is that it is SO limited, its GONE. .... Sayonara!
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