Catherine Zeta Jones is all set to have a go at convincing the Yanks that the Brits can cook! Catherine takes on the role of a top chef in the new romantic comedy ‘ No Reservations’ and its hoped that she will have a bit of a ‘Nigella Effect’ on the old British classics, finally laying to rest the dodgy image that Americans think of when it comes to food from jolly old England. One of the films producers says that the fact that most of America believes that all Brits love Spam, can be blamed on Monty Python, but thanks to the work of celeb chefs such as Nigella Lawson, Jamie Oliver and of course His Gordoness himself Gordon Ramsey, the US is now more open minded to the concept of British Nosh. Incidentally Ms. Zeta Jones recently let slip the secret to her infuriatingly glossy hair..... Caviar shampoo at $400 a pop! The Beluga caviar is flown in from Iran
(where else?) five days before she swans in to her favourite South Kensington beauty salon where she has her luxurious locks washed with a truffle based shampoo before smearing them with the imported caviar.
Now I have to admit I can’t be quite as self righteous as I’d like to be as I did have a brief period in my life where I fed Iranian caviar to my cat. But that was only because I really loved my cat, and I was given a gift of 12 fabulous jars of the stuff which I could not quite finish before the use by date!(It’s a long story) You have to wonder though if Micheal Douglas keeps a few toast points and a boiled egg on hand at all times, just in case.
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