It's Sangria season, and lets be honest, some of the insipid concoctions served at the local ‘chiringuitos’
(beach bars) here on the Costa del Sol leave a LOT to be desired. Of course there's Sangria and then there’s
SANGRIA but most of us non professional mixologists when mixing up a batch at home usually end up with a basic punch full of chopped fruit, red wine, sherry or
(shock horror!) brandy and a soft drink of some sort. So with the current craze for re-creating traditional cocktails I decided this week to search through some of the worlds mixology gurus and see if anyone had come up with a new take on the old classic Sangria. This one was so decidedly different I thought it worth a mention: Roger Kugler, sommelier and general manager at Suba restaurant in Manhattan has come up with an ‘ Almond and Lemon Fino Sangria’ by combining tea, pureed almonds, fino Sherry, and fresh lemon juice, served with a garnish of sliced apple. He says Earl Grey tea is a good choice, but any black tea would probably suffice. The trick is to cold brew it to preserve and enhance the tannins rather than cook them out. A bit of a hybrid Sangria I know, but certainly a refreshing change from the tired old sickly sweet red stuff we buy by the jug-full. Unfortunately Kugler hasn’t been generous enough to part with the recipe for his ‘Almond and Lemon Fino Sangria’ but I reckon he’s given us enough of an idea to have a go anyway. If you’re brave enough, let me know the verdict! I intend to experiment this weekend.
I’ll be fine as long as I don’t try and convince the Spanish Hubby its Sangria!
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