A bit worrying this grapefruit business in the papers today. The Daily Mail reports on a new study that suggests that eating as little as a quarter of a grapefruit per day RAISES the danger by 30 per cent among older women of developing breast cancer. See now I thought grapefruit was supposed to be SUPER HEALTHY. All those hideous breakfasts, tryng to justify the sprinkling of just one more teaspoon of sugar on my grapefruit halves, and avoid the obligatory squirt in the eye whenever I actually summoned the courage to try and spoon some up to swallow, and I could have been doing much more harm than good! It is thought the fruit boosts blood levels of oestrogen, and since it is well established that oestrogen is associated with breast cancer risk, it is plausible that regular intake of grapefruit would increase a woman's risk of breast cancer. How scarey is that? The study, carried out by the universities of Southern California and Hawaii, was based on more than 50,000 post-menopausal women from five ethnic groups, including 1,657 with breast cancer. The results, have been published in the British Journal of Cancer. So there you go girls, this is NOT a joking matter! Grapefruit??? What's next? To read the article in todays Daily Mail go to:
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