Now this has to be the first time I’ve ever heard of anyone deliberately WANTING a beer belly. But I guess I CAN understand the motivation behind it
(although I’d rather be dragged butt naked over broken glass than attempt this myself). For just $50, you can now purchase a fake beer belly that lets you take your own beer with you where ever you like. Imagine being able to smuggle your own fosters into a concert or football match and avoid paying the astronomical markups at the bar. You would also avoid standing in que’s but i’d hazard a guess that it would be rather tiring lugging around your new spare tire, especially if you are not a seasoned beer belly wearer! Available from the website includes tips and tricks and urges you to ‘Get the Look’. Apparently the fake beer belly passes the feel and the frisk tests so venue security will be blissfully unaware of your deviousness.
Unfortunately this probably wont be a big seller where i come from down under. Most men allready have the real thing.
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