For People with an APPETITE for LIFE!
Welcome to THE MAIN INGREDIENT a place where Food News, Food Politics, Food Culture, Food Fashion & Food Humour meet. Each week you can preview topical foodie matter from my 'Gourmet Lifestyle' radio show called (wait for it) THE MAIN INGREDIENT. Food for the belly & the brain, I hope you'll enjoy the journey with me.
Regards Kel
Monday, July 30, 2007
Don't Worry it's 'China-Free'.

Friday, July 27, 2007
A Woman That Really TAKES THE CAKE!

Thursday, July 26, 2007
Saddam Juice Anyone?

Zeta-Jones Set to Sex-Up British Nosh

Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Too Old to Booze?

Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Brits Discover The Mediterranean Diet

Monday, July 23, 2007
BLING Cookware!

Thursday, July 19, 2007
Fry it up for Brekky

Research, Research, Research!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007
How Do You Like Your Loo?

Well apparently Down Under, we’re as serious about a good loo as ever. In a recent review of a trendy bar in Sydney, It seems that there is a definite ‘Battle of the Bogs’ going on. A battle that no restaurant or Bar wants to LOSE (get it....Loos?) Anyway, a bar called ‘De Nom’ currently takes the honours as providing the city's most stately thrones. The cubicles at De Nom are designed to look like sitting rooms, complete with canopied ceilings and works of art, the toilets themselves are hidden inside replica Louis 14th chairs, complete with cushions. (Although a few hygiene questions do spring to mind there) & when you flush, the painting on the wall, rises to reveal the washbasin. Old Thomas Crapper would have been proud! But listen to this....... Sydney’s recently opened ‘Argyle’ known as an ‘Uber Funky Establishment’ (whatever that is) has taken a more modern approach to the current battle of the bog, with its 2.2m-high, glowing ‘ Pee Pods’. Yep that's right 'Pee Pods'. And get this, the ‘Pee Pods’ are visible from the bar and are especially designed to be a talking point! Now I’m all for those trendy open plan kitchens but open plan loos?
Attention Pickle Perverts

Monday, July 16, 2007
Ahh Gordon, Ya Win Some, Ya Lose Some!

And while we’re talking about Ramsey, Do you eat Tripe? It used to be quite popular years ago didn’t it? I remember my parents eating it, I also remember it smelling AWFUL when it was being cooked. I think it was once seen as good, honest poor man's grub. In fact back in Victorian times tripe and onions were thought to be the British national dish. Now in case you DON’T know, Tripe is made from the stomach of cow, sheep and pigs etc and thanks to good old Gordon Ramsay, Tripe is now making a comeback. He featured the 'delicacy' on his Channel 4 show The F Word last week and now supermarkets are being BESEIGED by shoppers demanding “More TRIPE”. By the end of last week, sales of tripe had risen by more than 400 per cent just over the ten days since Ramseys Tripe feature went to air. Very good for you apparently, low in fat, high in both calcium and vitamin c, high in protein, low in carbs. The power of television huh?
Good God NOT Grapefruit?

Sunday, July 15, 2007
Pay Up for Every Last Scrap!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007
It's Sangria Season.... Yawn!

Jamies School Dinner Program a Big Fat Flop?

Now THAT's Cool
Well bad luck to those of you in the UK who seem to be missing out on a sensational summer this year due to torrential rains. I can assure you that here in Southern Spain we have already settled into days of endlessly blue skies and fabulous hot weather. Speaking of hot weather........ It wouldn’t be the same without ice cold drinks would it? However ‘ICE’ is not just ‘ICE’ anymore. Chucking a few mishapened cubes into a ‘Tinto de Verano’ (Red wine with Seven Up or Fanta Lemon and other ingredients depending on the bartender) is no longer acceptable. Just have a look at these beauties! Multi Coloured ice cubes that not only cool down the drinks, but heat up the party and bathe the drinkers face with that healthy nite clubbish glow! They’ll even customize the ice cubes with your name or company logo! All you have to do is throw them in the freezer and after a short period they are ready to make your next Gin and Tonic a work of art. http://www.glowproducts.com/
Now If glowing ice cubes don’t do it for you, and you are one of those who believe ‘the better the water the better the ice’ (and how could you not?) then how about some ‘ICEROCKS’? Sealed ice cubes made from spring water from the Vendee Region of France. Hermetically packaged in disposable recyclable containers , you just need to freeze and they are ready to go, minerals and all!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Horse Meat Sushi

Spice it Up!

Monday, July 9, 2007
Stressed & FAT!

Big news this week, ‘Stress’ has been identified as a major cause of obesity by scientists. Forgive me but having been what’s commonly known as ‘A Stress Eater’ for most of my life, this latest scientific discovery comes as no huge surprise. Although I must admit jumping to conclusions I thought that they were getting at the actual AMOUNT of food that I manage to shovel in when stressed, when in fact researchers at Georgetown University have found that stress has a direct effect on fat accumulation, body weight and metabolism. So its NOT just the comfort eating that does it! As part of the study, stressed and unstressed mice were fed normal diets and high calorie diets. The mice on normal diets did not become obese, but stressed mice on high calorie diets gained twice as much fat as unstressed mice on the same diet. What they seem to be getting at here is that if its possible to unlock receptors in the body’s fat cells to grow in size and number, it may also be possible to BLOCK the same receptors to prevent fat growth or make cells die because of a special molecule that the body releases when stressed. I’m so confused....... just pleeeese somebody let me know when the pill is available!
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Breast is BEST???


Pamper your FEET while you EAT!

Presenting the 'YUMBERRY'

Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Cannabis Curry Anyone?

New 'PORN PIZZA' a Hit!

Sunday, July 1, 2007
Forget the eggs, how about Ham 'n' Cheese?

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