The UK’s gorgeous Nigella Lawson has accused Americas queen of ‘
Good Things’ Martha Stewart of fancying her HUSBAND. Ooh Wah! Nigela says old Martha has a bit of a “soft spot” for her multi-millionaire art collector hubby Charles Saatchi. To add salt to the wound Martha dismissed Nigela publicly in a recent interview by supposedly forgetting her name and referring to her as “whats-her-name who married the Saatchi”. Meanwhile curvacious Nigella is not to be trifled with (boy do I love the fact that she has hips) hitting back with: “Even though she’s so great and successful she has to disparage someone else. It’s not necessary, but everyone has insecurities.” Interesting to note that Nigella has also fessed up to loving takeaways and greasy spoon cafes, just as her new TV show ‘Nigella Express’ took to our screens on BBC2 this week. A show that is supposed to motivate us TOWARD making fast food at home and AWAY from fast food restaurants. She’s also been heard saying she always carries MUSTARD in her bag.
Now THERE’S a sponsorship opportunity if ever I saw one! Colmans anyone?
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