Spains very own gastronomic guru Ferran Adria, chef-proprietor of the celebrated restaurant El Bulli, has been invited to participate in the Documenta art show in Germany. But is he an artist? Well of course he is, but the invitation has many Spanish critics currently choking on their chorizo over this. Adria is famous for creating a stir when its comes to stretching the limits of food as we know it. Actually his creations are more like food as we DON’T know it. The Documenta art show in Kassel, Germany, is one of the biggest events on the contemporary art calendar and takes place every 5 years. To the critics dismay Adria is one of only two Spaniards invited to show off thier talents this year. His restaurant near Barcelona, El Bulli, recently grabbed the 'Best Restaurant in the World' title for the second year running. The invitation, however, has not gone down well within the Spanish art establishment, some going so far as to call it the "banalisation of art". El Pais critic, Jose de la Sota said: "Adria is not Picasso. Picasso did not know how to cook but he was better than Adria (at art). What is art now? Is it something or nothing?" To this Adria replied with a shrug: "True, I am no Picasso, but what is art in times like these? Many people act as if I should apologise for participating. I am not going to." So! The art critics can consider themselves well and truly TOLD. Besides, we’ve seen protest banners, piles of bricks, elephant doo doo and the mere turning on of a light switch winning art prizes....why not food?
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