Here's an idea for the budget-minded bride and groom, a new business in the States is offering a less costly alternative to buying an expensive wedding cake..... Renting a fake one. The idea is to have an elegant, multitiered pretend cake for show while serving guests slices from a real, tasty and inexpensive sheet cake hidden in the kitchens out back! The inside of a faux wedding cake crafted by Fun Cakes in Grandville contains mostly plastic foam, but don’t worry, you can still cut the cake with your new partner and share a bite together for the photo’s, there’s a nifty spot reserved for a slice of real cake hidden inside the plastic foam. The whole fake cake is covered by gum paste and fondant and looks just like the real thing. The concept of the fake cake was born because some bright spark realised that after a bride and groom take the traditional first slice of their real wedding cake, it's often wheeled away from the guests, out of their sight, to be cut up and served on plates. Now you can do the same thing using a fake cake and a sheet cake, and guests will be none the wiser! You can spend about half as much on a fake wedding cake paired up with a sheet cake as you would spend on a real wedding cake. But so far this idea doesn’t seem to have caught on in Europe. I dunno girls.... It wouldn’t be the first time you’ve faked it surely?
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