McDonalds seem to have more to worry about than trans fats at the moment. A 17-year-old fast-food employee in Ottawa is facing drug charges after allegedly hiding marijuana in a Happy Meal that ended up with a young child. The happy meal was ordered thru the drive through by the 8 year old girls father. When she opened up her ‘Happy Meal Box’ she found a lighter, a pipe and a bag of marijuana and of course dad went straight to the cops. McDonalds have cooperated with police and the employee, Brandon Scott of Ottawa, has been arrested and charged with possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. Meanwhile McDonald's UK has launched a campaign to change the definition of the word 'McJob' in the Oxford English Dictionary. A term popularised by Canadian author Douglas Coupland in his book Generation X, where he defines the word as "a low pay, low prestige, low dignity, low benefit, no future job in the service sector".
(Perhaps Brandon Scott of Ottawa was on to something) McDonald's says that in its staff survey, 90 per cent of respondents say that as part of their job they are given valuable training that will benefit them for the rest of their working lives, while 82 per cent say that they would recommend the job to a friend. Customers will now be able to sign petition books in McDonald's restaurants or sign online at a website entitled Change the Definition. David Fairhurst, chief people officer at McDonald's says "The McJob dictionary definition is out of date, out of touch with reality and most importantly is insulting to those talented, committed, hard-working people who serve the public every day in the UK."
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