For centuries they have been scooped out of the rivers just above the mouths in northern Spain and as a much anticipated ingredient of extreme and fleeting seasonality ‘Angulas’ have come a long way from the traditional way of serving them salted and covered in olive oil.
Although a Spanish favourite, Elvers (as we know them in English) are now popping up on Michelin starred menu’s throughout Europe, and being raved about for their barely there fishiness. So if you live here in Spain, and have always looked at those tiny , squirming, silvery, translucent, worm-like things and wondered about them, they are a very coveted Spanish specialty and if you don’t try them soon you will miss out until March next year. Incidentally before a Basque bites into a baby eel he or she usually wants to see its face. Apparently the only way to be sure of what you are about to eat is to look into those tiny little baby black eyes.
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