Now whether you like it or not this is STILL the era of fusion and it’s not just food, everything from cuisine to cutlery has been tweaked and we’ve now gone from the spoon, the knife and the fork to the Spork, the Knork and Chork. Most people are familiar with the Spork (the spoon-fork). The Spork has been around for years as has the Knork, (a fork with outer "prongs" that have increased cutting capability). Definitely what you would call convenient cutlery, but even more interesting is the CHORK! Wait for it..... A chopstick fork. Designed for those of you unable to master the art of chopsticks, the Chork is a much better idea than those awful chopsticks with a rubber band twisted around them, its basically a chopstick with two long prongs, and it will make life easier at your favourite local ‘Asian’ if you don’t want to be seen with a fork! Available from laura@lrstudiofurniture.com
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