More fruity news and I bet the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture is probably not high on your list of bedtime reading, but their latest studies have just given us the go-ahead to mix fruit with alcohol to maximise the antioxidant capacity. How fantastic is that! Of course it’s not ALL fruits, but the study found that treating strawberries and blackberries with alcohol boosts the fruit's power to neutralise destructive molecules called free radicals, by a whopping third. Free radicals are highly reactive oxygen molecules which damage DNA and cell membranes and are linked to a wide range of diseases. The scariest thing about free radicals is that they are thought to be one of the chief causes of ageing. Needless to say no further motivation needed for this little old reporter. At last! A justification for strawberry daiquiri’s at breakfast. Of course read the fine print and nutritionists are quick to throw a bit of a damper on things saying that the "detrimental effects" of such drinks could cancel out such benefits.......Oh well, ignorance is bliss!
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